Thursday, March 24, 2016

Title of Liberty

A few months ago I took a class called "Eternal Warriors". I learned so much about how to more effectively combat Satan. It has changed my life in so many amazing ways and I feel so much closer to my Father in Heaven because I can hear his voice more clearly, among many other things.  At the end of the class we were challenged to create a family "title of liberty" to help our families be like Captain Moroni, from the Book of Mormon. This will help us remember why, and how to combat the adversary.  For months I've taught about it. .. then I got serious and prayed about it and as I read my conference issue of the Ensign from April I read a talk from President Monson and I read " order to gain and keep the faith we need, it is essential that we read and study and ponder the scriptures. Communication with our Heavenly Father through prayer is vital.  We cannot afford to neglect these things for the adversary and his hosts are relentlessly seeking for a chink in our armor, a laps in our faithfulness. .." I knew this was what I needed to focus on!  It's what we HAVE to do to fight the enemy pray and hold to the word of God. Then came to my mind a scripture our family "ponderized" a few weeks ago.  (Ponderize comes from another talk from last conference. We pick a scripture to recite each day discuss what it means and think about it through it the week so it becomes more meaning full to us. ) I had chosen 1 Nephi 15:24 because of similar reasons. I wanted us to remember how important it is to hold on to, apply, and follow the teachings of the scriptures and our prophets. It says "and I said unto them that it was the word of God and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish, neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary over power them unto blindness to lead them away to destruction. " I just knew these two together would be a powerful reminder.  But I also wanted to have a place where we could put "the words of God" that we were focused on that we were holding fast to. we have our scripture that we will ponderize each week posted at the bottom.  I also envisioned an actual iron rod on it as a reminder to hold to it...and it looks cool...
I presented my idea to my family at family home evening. We had been taking about it for months.  Most everyone was exited, some gave input like making the words diagonal  (which I love because it's more interesting), colors. ...we were all excited about it and so the next morning I asked my amazing friend Heidi Davis to help me make it happen. She is an incredible sign maker and did an amazing job. It's exactly what I wanted. She suggested putting a title at the top which I love! We just hung it last night!

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