I could sit and snuggle this sweet baby all day! I just had to capture some of her sweetness while holding her this afternoon. Sorry if they aren't in perfect focus but I was holding her and trying to take these with out disturbing her to much. I think the pictures speak for themselves....
A little boy I watch said, "Hunch back of Nowhere Dame, I have seen that movie. It's about a guy that is named Hunch"
The kids started talking about age and when someone was "old" and Amelia said "Mom's not old. Your aren't old till you are 50." I chuckled and Brock said "No your not old till you start getting stiff."
While on vacation Larry put the navigation thing from the car in the boat, mostly because the kids think it is SO funny to see a car on the screen driving over the water. But one day Ethan was reading the screen and Ethan saw it says "ready to navigate" at the top and he said "what does nagigate mean" Larry and I laughed and I told him it is what Ethan does all the time. It means to Nag untill you irrtate someone!
Hayden was making toast the other day and had left the room for a minute, When she came back she said "what smells like poop, oh that is my toast."
Rudolph the red nose reighndeer had a very shiny nose and if you every saw it you would have to say hey your nose is really bright! Hayden's newest new version.
"Rudolph the red noes reighndeer had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw him you would have to say Hello" Hayden's version!
Hayden singing a Christmas carol today "ho ho ho who has a toe, ho ho ho who has a toe..."
I had some extras at my house today and I her them all talking about who is the oldest... then I hear Ian say, "my mom is bigger then your mom" Hayden says "yeah because my mom lost weight."
In the car I hear Hayden whispering to Jace in the back seat, "Amelia has a boy friend he is the quiet boy in her class but you can't tell ANYONE! Its a secret" So I pipe in, So Amelia has a boyf riend. Hayden whispers again to Jace "I told you not to tell anyone!"
In the car Hayden's friend was telling her "My sister calls me a Poop sniff, but I call her a poop sniff." Then she says, "Ruth is a Pepper Toes!" I laughed and asked her what a pepper toes is, she said "Pepper toes is a really yucky person who poops a lot!" (Ruth had just pooped and it was smelling up the car) Then she tells Hayden "you are a cute sniff" Hayden asked if that was because she loves her and she said "No just because your cute and you sniff" Then she tells Kade "Your a Doll!" He says No I'm NOT" She informed him that that just means he is a really nice person!
Over Christmas the kids were playing with Hayden's new playdough at Grandma's house and Brigham was helping Hayden clean it up when she yelled at him and said "I don't like it when boys touch my special stuff!
The other day while drving in the car we were singing along with the Christmas carols on the radio. I sang "Noel Noel" and Brock said "Hey I thought it was Snow Well!"
The other night while watching AFV a groom smashed a whole cake in his brides face, Larry said, S.O.B." Brock chimed in and said, " I know what that means! Husband!"
On our way to Prineville for Thanksgiving the roads were pretty snow and traffic was really SLOW. Ethan said, "Dad I think the car at the front of the line is slowing us down!" Larry and I laughed and I told Ethan I thought maybe it was the guy behind us that was slowing us down.
During church the sister who was speaking said "I stole my talk from President Monson" Hayden gasped and said "she stole from President Monson!" (she was shocked!) I asked her what would happen and she told me that she needed to go to the police!
Larry has been trying to convince Hayden that all 3 year olds smell. She will giggle and aske me if it is true. I just shake my head. Later that day Amelia says, "EWWW what smells?" Hayden hangs her head and says, "It's me because all 3 year olds smell."
One night I told the kids to kneel down for prayer and Hayden said "I can't" I asked her if she had gotten so old her knees didn't work anymore and she said. "nope they are broken."
May 2010 Today for Mother's Day when the primary went up to sing to the mom's Hayden got up there and while it was quiet and they were waiting for the music to start Hayden (in her very loud voice) Said "MOM I AM SINGING THIS SONG FOR YOU!" She then repeated her self on her way back down to us.
Amelia was singing her favorite song "Pictures to burn" after it was over she told me this is my favorite song because it says my favorite color in it. I said , "it does? When does it say that" She said "It says I hate that stupid old pink truck!" I laughed so hard and told her it says "I hate that stupid old pickup truck!"
While at a friends house Amelia and her friend saw a spider and Amelia informed her that "I am allergic to moxacillin, I don't know if spiders have moxacillin in them so I better not smoosh the spider."
Hayden got some new socks that have Dora on them they are her favorite. But they are a little slippery. The other day she put them on and promptly slipped on the floor and giggled and told me "these are hippy hocks." I giggled and said you have hippy hocks?! She said "NO I have Hippy Hocks!" I said you have HIppy Hocks? She again said NO! So I said OH you have slippery socks. She said yes. So I said "can you say sssssss slippery ssss socks. So she said "sssss hippy hocks" What a riot!
I was baking cookies for my YW's lesson and Brock was asking me what they were for. I told them they were for my lesson on Procreation. He wanted to know what cookies had to do with procreation and what procreation is. (He already knows what sex is) So I told him Procreation is how babies are made, and I was using the cookies as an object lesson, I told him I was going to offer them Chocolate chips and tell them they could have chocolate chips anytime during the lesson but if they eat chocolate chips durring the lesson they cannot have the prize at the end. So I hear him repeating this to his older brother later in the day and he tell Ethan, If they eat the chocolate chips that means they can't have any babies, if they don't eat the chocolate chips they can have babies. I guess I will have to explain the lesson to him again...
This week while watching the winter Olympics Ethan was so inspired he said, "You know I think I will try out for the Olympics."
1/10 The other day I was helping Hayden in the car after a Doctors appointment and we could hear a jet flying over head Hayden said, "what's that sound" I told her that it was a jet then she said "no it is a lion."
Hayden saw a large RV at the gas station getting gas and this is what she said to me, "mama, mama, look there is a big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big big camper!"
I made Grilled cheese sandwhiches with a slice of left over ham for lunch and when Brock saw it he told Ethan, "Mom made Grilled cheese with her secret ingredients!"
Larry was bathing Hayden before church to get all the cinnamon off her face this was their conversation... Larry, " I need to wash all of your face to get the cinnamon off. It is all over your face." Hayden, "not my nose!" Larry, "yes it is on your nose it is all over you!" Hayden, "Not on my knees!"
While in Prineville we were driving out to the Lake and Ethan was chatting away to my Nephew Brigham in the back seat and we heard Ethan say after talking non stop for who knows how long he says, "I wonder where all that hot air is coming from?" Then we hear Brigham quickly say, "Your mouth!" Right on Brig right on!
Aug 09' We turned the TV on in the evening and the end of Wheel of Fourtune was on and I hear Amelia say "I wish Vanna White was my mom." A little hurt, but humbled since it had been basically the worst day of our summer vacation (also known as Mommy was super grouchy with kids and yelled a lot today!) I asked her why and Amelia said. "Because she is nice and she has pretty dresses!"
Tonight we were having Cottage Cheese with dinner and I heard Amelia say "why do they call it cottage cheese?" This was Brock's explanation! "See the little chuncks are made out of milk and they are peices of chees and all the other stuff in here is white so it looks like cotton, so that is why they call it cotton cheese, but there isn't any cotton in it!"
July 09" Brock said to me "Do they call it Papa Murphy's because only daddy's can work there?" I told him no mom's can work there too. Then he told me, "But then they would have to call it Mama Murphy's" I think he MUST be related to his grandpa Workman!!!
July 09' Brock said, "When I am grown up and a daddy I am going to make lots of bucks! I will probably make like 3 or 4 bucks a day!"
While Larry has been refinishing our kitchen floor Brock has been watching very carefully and told Larry "I am glad I got to watch you because now when I am a daddy and own a house I will know how to redo a wood floor... Only I don't know where to buy the stuff, but I will see comercials for it so then I will know!"
Larry and I have been calling our baby "Five" since we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl and we don't like calling baby "It" so we told the kids that we have been calling the baby "Five" and maybe we would name the baby that when it was born. They all yelled and said they didn't like that So Larry said well we could name the baby "Cinco" Brock instantly yelled "I HATE CINCO!" This just makes us want to name the baby Five all the more!!!
June 09: Amelia said to me, "Mom if our baby is a girl I hope it doesn't look like Hayden." I said Hayden is a very pretty girl why shouldn't the baby look like her? Amelia said, "because she wears pants!"
As I am sitting at the computer this evening I was eating an Easter Peep chick and Brock came over and asked "I want a chick like you!" Larry said Brock you can have a Chick like your mom when you are grown up!
Larry is making me post this! It isn't something a kid said but I said it to a kid!!! The other night it was time for scriptures and I was trying to get the kids rounded up and Ethan walked away and I told him to get back her. He said "just a sec!" I promply yelled "NO more secs!" Instantly Larry and I looked at each other knowing that didn't come out the way I ment it.
Amelai was telling me that her Polly pockets were on vacation in Hawaii, I asked her what they were doing while they were there and she told me they were dancing the "hoowa" (hula), getting a sun tan, a moon tan, playing how low can you go (limbo) and swimming!
The other night Larry and I were joking about "why did we have so many kids..." Then I looked at Hayden dancing around and said, That's why they are so cute... (then Ethan and Amelia walked in) Then I said looking at Ethan, "Then they get big like that..." Larry said yeah they are like kittens, Amelia said, "no they are like hippos!"
Let me preface this by saying we have REALLy sensitive smoke detectors!!! And I RARELY burn food!!!! But they do go off regularly regardless. So we have a standing joke in our house when they go off someone says "Dinner is ready" Well the other day they went off and I heard Hayden (our 2 year old) say "dinna ready!"
This morning I heard Brock telling Amelia "you don't want to catch my sickness because I threw up till there was nothing left in me except body parts."
This morning Amelia told me her friend gave her another picture at church, and how she had sooo many friends. Then she said "but don't worry mommy because I have enough love for everyone. I even have enough love for Hayden's baby pony."
The night I "broke" my foot I sat down to put my foot up and Brock sat next to me and said "Mom I feel bad for you. I know how bad it hurts because I had to get glue and stitches, and having stitches is just like having a broken foot!"
Tonight as we were decorating cookies to leave for Santa Brock chose the Boot cookie to frost. He quickly said "I'm going to give Santa the Boot!"
Today at the post office a man asked me if all 4 of those kids were mine. I said yes and he said. "WOW! You have been busy!" Brock turned to me and said, "why did he say wow?"
Amelia is obsessed with the number 4. Only she doesn't say 4 she always says "how old I am" when she wants candy, bites of food, to do something it is always "how many I am old" so this weekend when we were singing primary songs in the car on our way home from Prineville Amelia said she only wanted to sing as many songs as she is old. (normally I would say fine but the singing was keeping Hayden from crying) So I kept singing songs after we sang four and Amelia was sobbing in the back seat saying "What do you think I am 9!!!" I told her no I know you are 4 but singing is making Hayden happy. She said "well you are making me feel like I am 9!" She repeated the whole thing after I sang more only saying she was now 15!
I guess Larry and I like to laugh at the "JUNK" he finds on Craigs list a little to much because after I bought a Dinosaur costume for Brock off of Ebay he told me how nice it was and that he loved it then said, "good thing you didn't buy it off of Craig's list then it would have been a peice of junk!" I laughed to hard to tell him people do sell good things there we just talk about the junk more often.
The other day Brock and Ethan were talking and I hear Brock tell Ethan he was going to work on makeing a "first date kit" I asked him "What are you making?" He said "A first date kit, like Brook and Jannelle has" I thought what kind of 6 year old boy makes a first date kit? I thought he or I must be confused so I asked him what he was putting in his first date kit to clarify. He said, "you know like Bandaids, tweezers, medicine. Things like that." I laughed and told him that is a "First Aid Kit, not a fist Date kit!"
I remembered another funny thing Brock said while we were waiting for him to get his stitches. I was telling him it didn't matter what DR. stitched him up because they all go to medical school to learn how to do this. He asked what medical school is and I told him it is were people go to learn about medicine and about peoples bodies and how they work and how to tell what is wrong with someone when they are sick. He told me very seirously "I know about my body like I have, eyes, hands, toes, guts, legs, head." I told him well now you can be a Doctor!
We were getting ready to go to our family reunion and Brock kept asking me "who died" I had to kept telling him no one died it is a Family Reunion not a funeral!
While in the hospital getting stitches with Brock he was showing me how bendy his legs are and how flexable he is. I told him that I am not that bendy and how cool it is he can bend so far. He told be it must be because his insides are made of gum.
While at the beach Brock sat down on our blanket to have some lunch and looking out at the Ocean he said, "mom I am just going to sit here and watch the wave, I like watching the waves, they are like a movie because I like watching them."
Amelia and Hayden were playing in Amelia's room and Amelia came down the stiars crying and I asked her what was wrong and she told me, "get Hayden out of my room she is tortureating me!"
Larry painted our boat trailer while we were on vacation (since the boat was off it and in the water!) When he was all done it was kind of a shiney blue color Brock was so impressed with what his dad had done he kept telling me "It is so pretty I can hardly keep my eyes off it!"
Ethan told Larry, "Dad sometimes I hate that I am so smart because no one else knows what I am talking about."
I over heard Amelia singing while going potty (not unsual) but this time she is singing a song she has just learned in Primary at Church. She was singing.If You had a birthday shout huray! One more older, more then two! Happy Birthday to you! (the real words are You've had a birthday shout hurray! We want to sing to you today. ONe year older and wiser too! Happy Birthday to you!)
I was telling Amleia that she could wear this new jumper that Allison had loaned us and Amelia looked at me and very seriousely said, "ok but I will only jump one time!"
Brock was having his birthday bubble bath in my jetted tub and (the bubbles were taller them me!) and from the other room I heard him say "Help!" Then quieter he said, " I swallowed bubbles, now I know what bubbles taste like."
The other night Larry and I were working on the garden and Brock was in the swing making up new lyrics to one of the primary songs and I was kind of chuckling because it was so cute and he smiled big at me and said, "is that funny mom? Did you almost pee your pants?"
Brock made me a little foam stocking (like Christmas stocking) and he wrote in it Luv Brock Davis to mom Davis. I asked him what it was for (as in what I did to deserve this wonderful gift!) he said "it's for saving my life." I asked him when I did I save your life? And he said, "when Ethan hurt me really bad." Ethan had ealier droped a bucket full of water on Brock's toes and I comforted him and kissed it! :)
Brock told me, "mom motorcycles aren't safe! They don't have training wheels and they could just fall off!
Ok so a child didn't say this one but.... my husband did and I just have to tell on him! Ethan was asking for some nails, Larry and I wanted to know why he needed nails. Ethan said to build something. Larry kept pressing what are you going to build? Ethan just kept saying something and being very sneaky, so Larry finaly said where are you going to get the wood. Ethan said from your shop! Larry reminded him of all the wood the boys have wasted lately and there isn't any scaps left they can have. Ethan assures us there is more wood in the shop. (really there is only the wood Larry is using for building some dressers, and we aren't wasting that!) So Larry looks at Ethan and says, "What do you think wood grows on trees!" Ethan just looked at him like DUH and said, "ahhh yes!"
Brock keeps asking me to play the Samuel song in the car and I wasn't sure what he ment until this evening I heard him singing in the other room, "Samuel, Samuel, du du du du du." For those of you who still can't catch that it is the books in the Old Testiment! (possibly to much of the Primary CD in the car?) NO!
Once Ethan and I were folding laundry and watching tv and a comercial for LA Weightloss came on and he said "mom you need to go there so you can loose lots of wieght!" THANKS!
Shortly after Ethan's weightloss comment there was another add for some wrinkle remover and he told me, "mom you need to get that so you can get rid of all your wrinkles!" Apperently I am a fat wrinkly lady! Good thing he was 6 and not like 18! I'd have to smack him!
This one isn't funny but I thought it was sweet. While in Utah for spring break we took our kids to see the new Joseph Smith Movie in the Legacy theater. In the movie the mobs came and were burning houses, furniture, and books and Brock whispered to me, "Mom, those bad guys are burning the scriptures! But how will they learn good stuff?!" It touched my heart that he had really caught on!
After watching the movie about Joseph Smith, Ethan told me, "Mom parts of that was sad, I am going to write about it in my journal and at the end I am going to draw a little sad face." (I looked he drew the temple instead!)
We have a neighbor boy across the street who's name is Rusty and the other night Brock said to Larry, "Hay I finaly figured out why they named Rusty, Rusty! Because their truck is all rusty!" (they do have a really old clunker truck that is rusty!)
This weekend at Ethan's baptism he was asking men that he wanted to have in the circle while he was confirmed and it was so cute he would go up to one of the men and ask if they would be in the "circle of life while they give me the Holy Ghost" I wasn't sure if I had taught him something wrong or not but it was pretty cute!
The other night I was snuggling with Brock watching America's funniest Videos and he said he was hot. So he said " I have to get something to cool me off, so I don't have to touch your hot body." I know he didn't mean it the way it sounded to me but It made me feel good anyway!
I was watching some old movies from when I was younger and there was a clip from my high school graduation and my mom and dad came on camera with me and Amelia said, "there is grandma with her new grandpa!" I laughed and said no that is grandpa he is just younger!
I was watching a little girl this week and I was cleaning the toilet and she walked in and said what are you doing and I said "cleaning" she said "why is someone coming over." She went back upstairs to play for a while and when she came back down stairs I had vacuumed, and cleaned all the toys up and she said, "how did your house get so clean?" I said I cleaned it, she said "why?" I know I am not the cleanest mom but I thought this was funny!
Today I was working on some stuff for Primary and Brock was asking me about when we will have another baby and if there was going to be another one any day now. I told him no it would be a while because there wasn't a baby in my tummy yet. Then he asked me how the baby gets in the mommy's tummy. (I actually haven't had to tell any of my kids this yet!) So I figured I would simplify and I told him when a mommy and a daddy love each other the daddy plants a seed in the mommy and a baby grows.... He started laughing at me and told me that is not how it happens! He said, "Heavenly Father puts the baby in the Mommy's tummy! There's no seeds!!! Mom you were teasing me!!!" Don't say I didn't try to tell him!
Amelia is the one who told me I shouldn't have anymore babies....now she has told me several times this week that "when we have our next baby it is a boy" then today she said next we will have one boy and one girl!!!! I think I should stop now before she curses me with triplets!
Brock and I were working on learning opposits and I was teaching him which hand was right and which was left. I asked him which hand do you write with he held it up and I told him that is your right hand, you write with your right hand. He said what is this one left for?
I was telling Amelia something she could do when she grew up and was the Mommy and she promptly told me,"I'm not going to be a mommy when I grow up, I am going to be a Little Mirmaid!"
We were celebrating Hayden's first birthday and Larry's Grandma brought Brussle spouts for dinner. While I was unwrapping them getting them ready to set on the table Brock came to me and whispered "mom someone tooted!" I told him "No that is your dinner!" I showed him what they were and he thought that that was pretty funny. Even wierder is that all my kids ate them and loved them. (I didn't have any just so I wouldn't make my self a liar!)
Tonight on our way home from the beach I was telling Hayden, "your birthday is in a week and you will be one." Larry added, "yeah that means no more boobie!" So Ethan said what is Boobie? I told him it is a not nice way of saying the part of mommy that makes the milk. The nice word is Breast. So seconds latter I hear Brock in the back seat saying, "breast breast breast breast breast breast...." So then I had to explain why that wasn't ok with me either!
On the subject of Kids not pronounceing things right Amelia for a long time would add "H" sound to the begining off all her words. So once at Allison's house Amelia kept saying "I heed a hoon," "I heed a hoon" Not knowing what she wanted Brock looked at Allison and interperted for her. SHE NEEDS A SPOON!
You know how not all kids pronounce everything just right.... Well Brock didn't pronounce his "K" sound right. But one of his favorite foods was Corn so every time we would have Corn he would cheer "PORN!"
When I was pregnent with Amelia Ethan was almost 4 and wanted to name her Muffin cake or Red Light. It was a tough call!
This weekend I was having some major pain in my back and Amelia asked me what was wrong. When I told her my back hurt she said "Why" I told her because I had 4 babies, she didn't even miss a beat and said "You shouldn't have anymore babies Momma." From the mouth of babes!
I can't say what his most favorite is but after that, water skiing, snow skiing (when he has someone to go with) reading, camping, woodworking, his children, babies, He doesnt' have a favorite food (what ever I make!) favorite cake German Chocolate, hanging out with friends
I want her.
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