The Lion's are "new" at the zoo. It was the first time we have seen them. The statues were cute so I piled the kids on them for a quick picture!
This is Amanda Quinn with my kids looking at the cute animals.
Kids and a giraffe! So cute!
Brock's sweet friend Leah made him this dinosaur kite. I had to take a picture of him trying to fly it Thursday. It actually does ok.
Can't go camping with out a campfire! The kids love this part of camping. Who wouldn't! It was fun. We didn't do marshmallow's this time but we did have cobbler. Yum!
Out on the boat! Brock and Ethan both took some really great knee board trips. They saw a guy do a 360 on a knee board while we were there so they decided they were going to try it. They both got really close. They could do a 180. Pretty cool!
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