Ok so again I am LAME! I took my camera with me to Prineville for Memorial Day weekend. Know what I did... Never took it out of the bag! I do this more and more lately. So sorry! I need to get better about taking pictures again. We had a lot of fun. So you can picture in your mind these things that we did.
Here is Hayden she had a snotty nose and a cough the whole time we were there. But she had lots of fun playing Toy Story 3 Yatzee with Grandma. In fact she said "This is the best day ever." (This is her new favorite thing to say thanks to Tangled and she says it every time she is having fun. I love it!)
Her is your mental picture of Ruth who also had a runny nose (no cough) but wanted me to hold her most of the weekend and didn't want Grandma or Uncle Sunny to hold her. She would go to Grandma for chocolate though. She did enjoy playing outside for a while on Monday.
You can mentally picture Brock taking rides on the 4 wheeler, burning stuff in the fire, playing with his cousins and shooting ever pop can Grandma would let him have with his brand new BB gun he bought with his birthday money! Oh yeah happy happy boy!
Ethan also took rides on the 4 wheeler, shot his BB gun, and burned stuff in the fire. Oh they boys also helped a stack some of the wood Grandpa chopped onto the wood pile.
Picture Amelia spending Saturday playing with her cousin Lia in the rain with umbrella's, playing Yatzee with Grandma, Lia and Hayden. (They loved it every time Grandma rolled the "bad guy") She also played out side pulling weeds, and riding the 4 wheeler.
Here is a wonderful picture of me reading Mr. Poppers Penguins to my family on the drive to Prineville. (We Saw that they made it into a movie, I had read the book as a child and thought if we are going to see the movie we should read the book first. Which is the way we like to do it usually) Here is another one of me feeling very very sick on Saturday and Sunday. Luckily I found out my dad had Anti-biotic on hand and we got things taken care of lickety split! But I had fun tying a few quilts with my mom and sister in law Angela (when Ruth wasn't clinging to me). I also went for a run all the way down my moms drive way on Saturday AM (before I started feeling sick) You are probably thing, ran down the drive way... big deal, well their drive way is over a mile long and I ran it there and back, and for some reason I learned I HATE running on gravel! I also helped in the kitchen a bunch. Monday I also went with my mom to take flowers to my Grandma Nola's grave. We stopped by a few others that were there that we knew as well.
Larry enjoyed helping chop, and stack wood on Monday, as well as went to an estate sale and found me some AMAZING stuff for me to paint for the bazaar this fall! He also spent Saturday working on pumps and other MAN stuff with my dad and brothers. OH he also got to shoot his 17 including using a few gofers as target practice. It may sound like a boring uneventful trip but we love to go and spend fun time with family.
Here is the BEST picture of the weekend though!!! Mom/ Grandma did an object lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and she made a Sundae, (Sunday) with Taco sauce, BBQ sauce, Soy sauce, mustard... A whole bunch of gross stuff and she likened it to putting stuff in our Sunday that ruins it, like going to the store, the movies, or doing yard work, lots of things that aren't really Sunday activities, it ruins the Sundae. So then she made a real Sundae (Sunday) and added chocolate, caramel, sprinkles, brownie... and likened it to all the good things that we can do on Sunday that make the day great! The kids LOVED it then we all cheered GO GO GO and pressured my brother Sunny into tasting the GROSS Sundae! It was so funny. My kids were laughing and having a great time! Brock kept saying it over and over after he did it "I can't believe he ate it!" To be honest I can't believe it either this is my brother who does NOT like to try new things or anything he thinks might be Gross! It was a lot of fun!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Brock' Real birthday
OK confessions of a BAD mom! I have had a HUGE project going on and it won't be done for a while longer... I can't talk about it on my blog yet because it is a SECRET project and someone who reads my blog occasionally is the recipient so I won't disclose what the project is until it is done... this being said I have been trying to work on that, watch 2 extras 3 days a week, serve in my calling, be a mom to 5 kids, we had a dance recital, and, and and.... you get the idea. Not a lot of sitting time at the computer that is not involving doing things that HAVE To be done. Anyway along with my confessions I get to the dance recital with my camera and fresh batteries (I knew they were getting low so I put new ones it I wouldn't want them to die!) and found that my memory card was still in the computer!!! Classic. I have done this before here is the kicker, I did it AGAIN the next day when we took the kids to the beach to go camping. I was totally bummed because the girls were so cute (I did get video on our video camera but I don NOT know how to down load those!)Hayden seemed a little nervous before they went on stage but she did great! Amelia was my "seasoned pro" She did a great job as well. Plus on the beach Ruth was so so so cute. Last year she hated the beach and would cry the whole time we were there! But she LOVED it this year and would run to the waves with her arms wide open calling to them. It was so funny! We had to keep chasing and catching her to keep her out of the water. It is May and that water is COLD! Plus she is a tiny peanut and the smallest wave would take her out. It was a really fun camping trip though. The weather was great. No rain, no wind, not to cold. Couldn't ask for much more! We all had a great time.

Brock really wanted a new bike for his birthday! He has been asking and even made a list of all the things he wanted on his list. (It was so cute!) He wanted shocks, hand breaks, "changing" gears, a kick stand, water bottle holder, and he wanted it to be yellow. He got all but the last 3 and 2 of those can be added if he wants. He was still thrilled and loves his new bike! The part I love is that I had also given him an art kit. (That was all he opened from us) he was totally excited about it and was checking it out totally happy with it, then dad walked in with the bike! I am so glad he didn't throw a fit and act disappointed about the art kit. It just goes to show how sweet and easy to please he is. It just makes it so much more fun to give him what he really wants because he is so excited about it and so grateful that he has said thank you everyday since.
Brock chose cherry and strawberry cheese cake for his birthday!

I also have not blogged about Mother's day yet. I really should because I have to admit it is probably one of the best ones I have ever had (As being the mom that is). But I really should get to making dinner my family is going crazy! Again no time... anyway Lets put it this way. I got a new sewing machine, my husband made an amazing breakfast and dinner (we don't really have lunch we have snacks because of the time of church...) He also made lemon mirange pie from scratch my favorite. On top of it my kids made cute cards, (Brock made a bracelet at scouts which I love and wore to church!) And there was very little fighting. It was a peaceful day and I loved it. My husband went the extra mile and my kids really really tried hard to make it a good day. No pictures of course!
Brock really wanted a new bike for his birthday! He has been asking and even made a list of all the things he wanted on his list. (It was so cute!) He wanted shocks, hand breaks, "changing" gears, a kick stand, water bottle holder, and he wanted it to be yellow. He got all but the last 3 and 2 of those can be added if he wants. He was still thrilled and loves his new bike! The part I love is that I had also given him an art kit. (That was all he opened from us) he was totally excited about it and was checking it out totally happy with it, then dad walked in with the bike! I am so glad he didn't throw a fit and act disappointed about the art kit. It just goes to show how sweet and easy to please he is. It just makes it so much more fun to give him what he really wants because he is so excited about it and so grateful that he has said thank you everyday since.
Brock chose cherry and strawberry cheese cake for his birthday!
I also have not blogged about Mother's day yet. I really should because I have to admit it is probably one of the best ones I have ever had (As being the mom that is). But I really should get to making dinner my family is going crazy! Again no time... anyway Lets put it this way. I got a new sewing machine, my husband made an amazing breakfast and dinner (we don't really have lunch we have snacks because of the time of church...) He also made lemon mirange pie from scratch my favorite. On top of it my kids made cute cards, (Brock made a bracelet at scouts which I love and wore to church!) And there was very little fighting. It was a peaceful day and I loved it. My husband went the extra mile and my kids really really tried hard to make it a good day. No pictures of course!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Brock's Birthday Party
I know Brock's birthday is a week away! But... next weekend we really wanted to go camping since this weekend we had a ward activity on Friday night. So we decided to have the birthday party a week early, go camping next Friday night then we will do family party on his actual birthday (Sunday the 22nd). He invited friends over for lunch and cake, then we all went swimming at the Dallas Aquatic center. It was a lot of fun. Brock informed me that it was the best birthday ever! I won't remind him that he tells me that every year! So I guess, the less work I do the better off I am, I did so little for this party, I bought the ice cream cake at the grocery store, bought pizza, then took them to the pool! Easy peasy as my kids would say. Great day!

At the pool the kids loved the rope swing. I have to say I had so much fun watching them I gave it a try too! I was impressed with Ethan's back flip off the rope swing!

Brock had to take the swim test to get the ok to go down the big water slide. He passed just fine! He had to go off the diving board and swim the entire length of the pool! I am so proud of him! He was a little to "short" to go down but they said if he passed the swim test he could do it and he did great!

Ruth and Hayden loved the water! Ruth is a natural little fish! It was a lot of fun for them but Ruth was out in the car in the 10 minute car ride home! Sorry I got no pictures of Amelia and Ava. I hardly ever saw them other then when I went in the "deeper" pool and I wasn't taking my camera in the pool!
At the pool the kids loved the rope swing. I have to say I had so much fun watching them I gave it a try too! I was impressed with Ethan's back flip off the rope swing!
Brock had to take the swim test to get the ok to go down the big water slide. He passed just fine! He had to go off the diving board and swim the entire length of the pool! I am so proud of him! He was a little to "short" to go down but they said if he passed the swim test he could do it and he did great!
Ruth and Hayden loved the water! Ruth is a natural little fish! It was a lot of fun for them but Ruth was out in the car in the 10 minute car ride home! Sorry I got no pictures of Amelia and Ava. I hardly ever saw them other then when I went in the "deeper" pool and I wasn't taking my camera in the pool!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Crazy Hair!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Hayden's Dance Costumes
Hayden in her Bunny Ballet costume! She Loves this dance and Loves this costume! I have to admit it is pretty dang cute!

Here they tried dancing in them. The ears were hard the first run through for Hayden but I helper her adjust them some and she did fine the second run through!

Are not all these little girls so cute in their costumes. There is one little girl in this class that makes me think of my niece Lia, just her coloring and some of her mannerisms. I found out yesterday her name is Italy. Which made me grin because Lia's name is Australia! CUTE!

Hayden's Tap costume. I was afraid she wouldn't put it on at all... She took one look at those sequins and said in a very cautious voice, "mom it looks like it might be itchy." I assured her the sequins wouldn't be touching her skin and she wouldn't have to wear it very long. She did great!

Their recital isn't until May 19th but the little girls need to have a "dress rehearsal" I guess so that mom's who have girls like Hayden can mentally prepare their kid to wear something they may not be crazy about at first. At least she was totally into it and was easily persuaded! (This time!) Plus it gave us lots of time to get pictures, some times on show night there isn't a lot of that. I am sure I will post more when the time comes, you will want to see Amelia's as well.
Here they tried dancing in them. The ears were hard the first run through for Hayden but I helper her adjust them some and she did fine the second run through!
Are not all these little girls so cute in their costumes. There is one little girl in this class that makes me think of my niece Lia, just her coloring and some of her mannerisms. I found out yesterday her name is Italy. Which made me grin because Lia's name is Australia! CUTE!
Hayden's Tap costume. I was afraid she wouldn't put it on at all... She took one look at those sequins and said in a very cautious voice, "mom it looks like it might be itchy." I assured her the sequins wouldn't be touching her skin and she wouldn't have to wear it very long. She did great!
Their recital isn't until May 19th but the little girls need to have a "dress rehearsal" I guess so that mom's who have girls like Hayden can mentally prepare their kid to wear something they may not be crazy about at first. At least she was totally into it and was easily persuaded! (This time!) Plus it gave us lots of time to get pictures, some times on show night there isn't a lot of that. I am sure I will post more when the time comes, you will want to see Amelia's as well.
Cutie Pie!
I convinced Hayden to let me put curlers in her hair Saturday night so her hair would be fancy on Sunday! It took her big sister begging for them for her self to get Hayden to agree. (Hayden doesn't like anything to maker her ichy, or at all uncomfortable.) I loved the end result. They were pretty tight curls in the morning but with in a few hours they had relaxed a little bit giving her the cutest head of curls ever... if only it lasted longer! She got lots of compliments so maybe she will let me do it again!!!

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