Monday, November 9, 2009

One month old!


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Ruth is one month old today. It is funny to me how time seems to fly by once baby gets here after it seems to crawl by the last month of pregnancy. But at the same time that time seems to have flown by it is really hard to remember our life before Ruth. I was sending pictures to be printed at Costco and there were tons from before Ruth was born and I had to stop myself when I started wondering "where is Ruth" in these pictures. Oh yeah I was pregnant! How is it possible that after a few short weeks it feels like she has been a part of us forever. No matter we love her and are thrilled she is here. This last month has been heaven! (minus last night when there was little sleep to be had by mommy, but even then I am still thrilled to be snuggling my sweet baby girl!)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

No way! ONe Month!! She is so beautiful too!